Letter to the editor – Shannon Black


Dear editor,

Change. It can be a difficult thought for some, and even more difficult to put in to action. However, I believe that is exactly what Greene County is in need of right now, and Peter Bardole can be that change.

With two failed school bond attempts, a Chamber ready to crumble, a need for housing and jobs that can support a family, Greene County needs something to change. There must be communication and collaboration between the county supervisors, the city councils and our schools. We need to have shared goals, common ground and work together for the betterment of all.

Pete’s perspective is fresh; he is able to see what needs to change and is committed to working with all of Greene County to keep us relevant in an ever-evolving rural Iowa. He understands that there is more needed than just housing in Greene County to attract new citizens to our communities; that is just a small piece of the puzzle.

Raising a young family in Jefferson and farming, Pete has roots in Greene County and is invested in the success of its future. He knows that we need young families to choose Greene County as their home for the economic growth of our communities and the growth of our schools. Pete has heard the concerns of his fellow citizens and is eager to implement new ideas for sustainability and growth of our county.

There certainly is something to be said for experience and in recent years Greene County has made strides in growth and moving forward. There is also much to be said for realizing there is still much work to accomplish and it’s time to try something new in order to keep moving forward.

For too long, people and organizations in this county have worked with their own well-intended agendas to try and better our community. It’s time to get on the same page, to move in the same direction. It’s time to make a change; step outside of our comfort zones, open our minds to new thoughts and ideas, work together and remember, just because it’s always been that way doesn’t mean it always has to be that way.

I’m ready for that change and hope you are too. Vote for Peter Bardole.

Respectfully, Shannon Black, Jefferson

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